BWNA is a women's network
Welcome to the Baptist Women of North America website. We hope you will love learning about what God is doing through Baptist women in Canada and the United States. We are a network of Baptist Women’s organizations serving in 15 regional and denominational bodies who are part of the Baptist World Alliance. BWNA is one of seven continental unions representing women from more than 150 countries.
Our mission is simple - Empowering women to live out Kingdom life, especially in the area of helping the vulnerable. We exist to serve you and glorify Christ.
We pray you will find a community, support, prayer, and resources that are helpful and encouraging for you personally and in your ministry. We want to encourage, engage, and empower service to others, especially those who have a heart for the vulnerable. Together, we believe we can do more than any of us can do alone.
Baptist World Alliance is a fellowship of 228 conventions and unions in 122 countries comprising 42 million members in 177,000 churches. The BWNA president, along with the other members of the BWA Women's Department Executive Board, is a member of the BWA General Council which meets annually in various areas of the world to determine resolutions and to advance the cause of the Baptist World Alliance.
The Baptist World Alliance Women's Department connects Baptist women from around the world. It is made up of seven continental groupings. BWNA is the North American branch of the BWA Women's Department, and the BWNA president is one of the vice presidents who make up the Women's Department executive board, which meets in person annually.
While BWNA is the North American branch of the BWA Women's Department, North American Baptist Fellowship (NABF) is one of the 6 regional fellowships of the Baptist World Alliance. The BWNA President represents you and your voice on the NABF Executive Committee.
The Baptist World Alliance puts on a Congress every five years. In 2025, it will be held in Brisbane, Australia.