Ask and It Shall Be Given to You: A Testimony of Provision

After 19 years of ministry in Konyak Baptist Church Association, my husband and I

The Light of the Resurrection: A Testimony of Perseverance

Serving among the downtrodden people of Syria since 1997, even in the time of

I Was the Ugly Duckling: A Testimony of Transformation

I had a difficult childhood. I did not lack for food or a roof over my head, but I have

That’s Not Innovation

As leaders, there are times when we attempt to rejuvenate our organizations by doing something original, which can be very daunting as we simultaneously work to maintain stability and strength.

When They Expect You to Fail

One of the harshest realities that I’ve had to face as a leader is the discovery that people who I viewed as supporters were actually anticipating my failure.

Learning to Listen

In his presence, I’ve learned that God wants to love the least-sanitized parts of me that my bosses, colleagues and those I serve won’t ever see.

A Call To Pause

Sometimes we need the voice of another to speak up and say: "Enough. Come and rest."

Why Fast? Just Because.

"Because God wants me to, serious situations call for a serious response and I want more of God . . . even on the days I wonder if any of it will make a difference."

Don’t Get Embarrassed

Most people want to be honored and there is nothing wrong with aspiring for more, but the risk of embarrassment arises when we assume that a prestigious “seat” belongs to us
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